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Happy Heart


The resources, knowledge, and training that will help overcome the obstacles stopping you from experiencing more happiness, love and vitality in your home, life & relationships.

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You Were Created To Live & Lead From Your Heart

You were created from the depths of the heart, purpose-built to unlock a life of profound richness, to radiate boundless love, and to illuminate the path with your exemplary leadership. You are destined for more. You deserve more love, happiness, & success in your life and relationships. It all becomes possible the moment you bet on yourself and enter the Happy Heart Academy Inner Circle!

This is real, practical knowledge that every woman desires their partner to possess, and it's essential knowledge that every man should acquire to lead their life & family forward.

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Happy Heart Academy Inner Circle


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Weekly Training

Gain exclusive access to weekly live Q&A coaching session, where I personally address your burning questions, enhance your love life, family life, and confidence, and ignite your passion for living!

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One-on-One Coaching

Secure your spot on Tyler's calendar today! By doing so, you'll gain the invaluable opportunity to schedule personalized one-on-one coaching sessions to help you repair or strengthen your relationships with yourself & others.

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All Course Access

Unlock the door to a wealth of knowledge and personal growth by gaining access to $3000 worth of deep-dive online courses. This grants you entry to ALL educational programs and resources.

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What Is The Happy Heart Academy Inner Circle?

As a valued member of the HHA Inner Circle, you'll enjoy exclusive access to weekly live Q&A coaching sessions, where I personally address your burning questions in real-time. This is the exclusive platform where I provide continuous live coaching to help you enhance your love life, family life, boost your confidence, and ignite your passion for living. Additionally, you'll gain access to bonus webinars featuring my top-tier coaches and esteemed guests, on-demand video training, exclusive entry to my private community, and the opportunity to connect with a nurturing community of leaders who want to win from within so that they can win in their life, relationships and family.

Join HHA Inner Circle

The Happy Heart Academy is your path to becoming the heart-driven leader you were born to be, empowering you to conquer the barriers holding you back from achieving higher levels of happiness and love within your life, relationships, & home.

Learn The Best Relationship & Leadership Skills

The Happy Heart Academy will give you access to Tyler who is a best-selling author & relationship coach who is there to help you to overcome the obstacles stopping you from reaching the next level of happiness and success in your life and relationships as well as repair your troubled relationships and strengthen happy ones.

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Topics We Cover

With proven strategies and informational content you, your partner and your family will be able to learn the skills needed to create a happier and healthier relationship with yourself, others & God.

Healing Your Heart Icon

Healing Your Heart

  • Let Go of Your Painful Past.
  • Rewrite Your Story
  • Emotional Healing Practices
  • Mediations
  • Forgiveness & Letting Go
Rebuilding You Icon

Rebuilding You

  • Develop Your Confidence
  • Strengthen Your Self-Image
  • Control Your Thoughts
  • Master Your Internal Empires
  • Reconnect Back to Yourself
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Leading Forward

  • Develop Your Confidence
  • Strengthen Your Self-Image
  • Control Your Thoughts
  • Master Your Internal Empires
  • Reconnect Back to Yourself
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This book is like a guide that shares what I discovered, the lessons I learned, and tips to help you love yourself more, create powerful relationships, and live a happy and connected life. If you're ready to make your life better, if you want to feel alive and happy, I really encourage you to start this journey today.

Buy Now
The Big Three E-Book


Thank you so much you inspired me so much. I have been doing that and am happy about it. The woman is back of happiness. Thank you sir. I love myself.

Bella S.

Your video are just amazing, pure positivity, and reality love you fam! You helped me a lot throughout my heartbreak process.

Zen J.

Your videos and Happy Heart Academy and Gods word is helping me so much.
Thank you. I’m so grateful!

Bella Snow

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Love. Lead. Serve. 

Now is the perfect moment to reclaim control over your life and happiness. If you're truly prepared to break free from your past and conquer the barriers preventing you from attaining higher levels of joy and fulfillment in both your life and relationships, don't hesitate. Click the button below to discover how the Happy Heart Academy Inner Circle, along with my guidance, can empower you to embark on this transformative journey today! Your happiness awaits – take the first step now.

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