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You Don't Have to Suffer

happiness relationships with self self-love Nov 20, 2023

A Journey to Choose Happiness


In our lives, pain is like a thread woven into the fabric of being human. Our hearts, delicate and sensitive, naturally feel emotions such as sadness, anger, disappointment, and discouragement. Yet, the real challenge isn't just about feeling hurt; it's about not letting that hurt stick around for too long, turning into something we call suffering.

The Persistence of Suffering:

Suffering isn't something we're stuck with in life. It's not a fate we have to accept. Instead, it's the lingering of painful thoughts in our minds long after the events that caused them. Even though many people go through it, suffering isn't something we have to put up with.

The Journey of Healing:

When I went through a tough time, dealing with heartbreak, I learned something important. It wasn't just about waiting for time to pass; it was about deciding to overcome the suffering. In the middle of feeling really down, I discovered something crucial that helped me heal and change for the better.

Critical Discoveries Unveiled:

1. Our Power to Choose: We have control over how much we suffer and how we deal with the things that hurt us. We can change ourselves and move on from painful experiences.

2. The Happy Heart Academy: This is like a guide to show that suffering doesn't have to be with us all the time, especially during tough moments. It helps us respond to difficulties and use them to grow and become better.

3. Choosing Happiness: The academy helps us live more from the heart than from hurt. It gives us positive ideas, perspectives, and tools to make our lives happier and our relationships healthier.

Today, I invite you to choose life over suffering, heart over hurt, and happiness over sadness. Take charge of your own happiness, knowing you have the power to decide how you'll face life's challenges.

Breaking Free from Suffering:

While we can't avoid feeling pain in life, suffering is something we choose. Once we understand this, we can decide how we react to things. It's time to question the idea that suffering is a must for personal growth or nobility.


Happiness doesn't depend on suffering. We aren't defined by the tough times we go through. Let's use life's challenges as steps for growing, gaining wisdom, and making positive contributions. Find the courage to face hurts head-on, knowing that while feeling hurt is normal, suffering is a choice.

By breaking free from the chains of suffering, we can journey toward a life filled with happiness, purpose, and the freedom to love, lead, and serve in our truest selves.

Love. Lead. Serve

Tyler Joe Stratton 

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