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Embracing Hurt: A Path to Healing and Living from the Heart

emotional intelligence happiness relationships with self self-love Nov 20, 2023

Embracing Hurt: A Path to Healing and Living from the Heart

Hurt is an undeniable part of the human experience. Until we embrace the fact that hurt is an inevitable aspect of our lives, we'll struggle to effectively deal with and heal from the inevitable hurts that come our way. Refusing to accept and include hurt as part of our journey leaves us unprepared and often overwhelmed when it occurs. In this blog post, we explore the importance of acknowledging hurt, accepting it, and ultimately learning to live from our hearts instead of being defined by our hurts.

The Denial of Hurt:

Many of us hold the misconception that hurt is wrong and shouldn't happen to us. We wish to be superhuman, free from the vulnerabilities of being human. This denial of hurt's inevitability leaves us outraged and overwhelmed when faced with disappointment or pain. Accepting that hurts happen enables us to deal with them more effectively.

The Tragic Consequences of Holding On:

When we don't let go of hurt, the consequences can be tragic. Our hurts begin to deeply influence us, often defining our future with a shadow of darkness. We may enact self-defeating behaviors to protect ourselves, setting rules that limit our capacity for love, openness, and vulnerability. A single hurtful incident can unknowingly shape the way we live our lives.

Living From Hurt Instead of the Heart:

Out of fear of being hurt again, we suppress or withhold parts of ourselves, choosing to live from hurt rather than our hearts. The pain becomes a shield, and we cling to it to prevent future harm. To truly live from the heart, we need to acknowledge, accept, and forgive our hurts.

Feeling to Heal:

Avoiding hurt by numbing ourselves to life's aliveness is not the solution. We must feel the hurt to heal it. Accepting that hurt is an unavoidable part of life allows us to prepare ourselves better for its arrival. It's crucial to step toward our hurts, acknowledge them, and ultimately forgive in order to free ourselves from their grip.


Hurt is a part of life, but it doesn't have to define us. Instead of resisting it, let's acknowledge and accept that hurt is inevitable. This acceptance will empower us to live more authentically from our hearts, better equipped to handle the hurts that come our way. Remember, love, lead, serve, and embrace the journey of healing and living from the heart.

Love. Lead. Serve. 

Tyler Joe Stratton 

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